Well, you don’t need to imagine that anymore. Because today the popular collaborative task management solution Asana has delivered it in the form of Inbox. The goal of Inbox is to “push team communication further into the post-email world”. Many individuals and organizations are far too reliant on email applications and services as task management solutions. With Inbox, the team at Asana looks to treat email as it was initially intended – as a means to communicate. Inbox doesn’t just allow for communication, it allows for “rich” communication. Inbox gives you everything you need regarding the work that’s going on, so you have context within the communication that is easily accessible and not buried throughout in-line messages or threaded responses. Additionally, you can customize what communications you receive in Inbox, meaning that you can stay informed and not overwhelmed – something that email tends to cause. You’re no longer “at the mercy of the sender” – you have control.
Inbox has taken some of the better-known (and perhaps “loved”) part of email and brought it into Inbox. But unlike traditional email, archiving of mail is done by default. This can be adjusted, but through the use of “flagging” you can keep on top of deferred messages without cluttering up your communications. That is just one of the way that Inbox works towards helping you get to that elusive Inbox Zero state more efficiently and effectively. Asana has always been impressive in terms of its speed. It syncs and updates quickly and easily — and Inbox is no different. With Inbox, updates to tasks and projects are grouped together in a way that makes sense to the user, allowing for quick scanning of new information without having to open each thread individually. This makes the process of using email within Asana seem like it’s not using email at all. And that’s because it goes beyond email. The best part of this new feature? With Inbox, you can do all of your relevant communication without opening any form of email app or website in the process. That means less distraction and more focus. There’s a flow that occurs naturally that Inbox offers that you simply can’t get from email. Keep in mind that you can go as deep into the addition of Inbox as you’d like; align it for work projects, home projects or all aspects of your life. Again, you have control – which is something that many of us tend to lose when it comes to email. If you’ve been looking for an all-in-one task management solution, one that allows for collaborative and individual use and keeps you moving forward instead of from side to side then there’s no better time than ever to give Asana a look. By bringing Inbox into the mix, the Asana team has provided users with the means to get out of their email app and get onto the task at hand – all without missing a message. Or a beat. (For more details on today’s launch of Inbox, head over to the Asana blog.)