Because there are so many different hunting seasons, based on location, there are differences in how you will prepare. Even so, there are some universal things that need to be done before a hunting trip. Whether that trip is for a day or a week, get what you need beforehand.

Get registered

Hunting can be a dangerous sport when not taken seriously enough. For most people, it is crucial to take a Hunter Safety course to even be able to participate. Although you can complete the course online in some states, there is always an evaluation with an instructor to ensure you have properly learned how to be safe. After you have taken the proper classes, you must either obtain a license or draw tags to hunt particular animals or birds. You will need a license to do this legally in all cases, but only certain animals need tags. Learn the rules and regulations for your state.

Know the rules

This is especially important for those hunting for the first time, but should be in the back of everybody’s mind. Being safe during the hunt is one of the most important things to take into account. There is more potential for injury in this sport than many, many others when not taken seriously enough. Know beforehand which hunting season you are going to be a part of. Before you set out, be sure to verify:

The beginning and end dates of the season. What licenses are needed, and if tags or other certification are needed. Where you will be hunting, and the boundaries of the area.

Take a little time to look through maps, studying the area beforehand. Research where it will be safe for you and others to hunt, this includes avoiding private property. Things can change in a short amount of time. Even if you are confident in the place you hunted last year, be sure that nothing has changed and it is still a solid place to go.


Once you have established everything legally, get yourself organized and prepared to make the journey. In most places the terrain you will be crossing will be steep and in many cases, snowy. Prepare yourself physically to make long journeys in these conditions. Most of the time hunters who can go longer distances at a faster pace will have more success. Prepare your shot beforehand. Take time to go to the shooting range and practice in this environment. Find a place where it is legal to target shoot and practice with clay pigeons. Using a little ammo here will save you time and money in the long run by perfecting your shot. Before you leave for the trip, make sure you have everything you will need. Don’t risk leaving some of the most important equipment at home; make a checklist to ensure nothing gets left behind. If you have some equipment that you are carrying over from last year, be sure to test it first to make certain it is still in working order. No matter what type of hunting you do, prepare for this season. Take the necessary steps to ensure everything will run as smoothly as possible. You will save more time, and create a better experience for everybody involved. Even if your targeted game isn’t up for a couple of months still, start preparing now to guarantee you will have a positive experience.