Securing Your Router with Encryption

Your network at home should have some kind of inherent security built into it. If you have to use a password to log onto the network then it has the security turned on already. If you do not then you will want to secure your network. The best way to do this is to make the change in your router settings. The exact procedure will vary depending on your model so consult your manual or call tech support for the exacts. The two most common choices are WEP and WPA, and while WPA is generally considered to be more secure WEP is still serviceable for home networks.

Securing Software with Passwords

Your devices password lock for a reason. If you are not using your password locks currently then you should lock any computers or mobile devices with network access right away. If you have software that allows you to individually password lock it, such as a banking app or an email program on your computer then take advantage of that extra layer of security for your most sensitive data.