There are numerous advantages to going outside every day!

Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors

The sun’s light is a powerful source of energy for the human body. Because it provides you with the essential nutrient Vitamin D, sunlight can benefit the strength of your bones, your moods and your overall health. You should also check in with your doctor with regards to adding a Vitamin D supplement for the winter months when you don’t get out in the sun as much. Spending time outdoors can help relieve stress and tension. Breathe in the fresh air, enjoy the sunshine or the clouds, and take a short walk before going back inside. You’ll notice a difference in your mood.  If the weather allows, it is very calming to sit outside and meditate for 15 -20 minutes.  It is a beautiful feeling. Fresh air and sunshine can help you regain focus. Spending a brief period of time outside in-between work tasks can benefit you greatly. Take a quick walk around the block or spend 20 minutes working in your garden, touching and connecting with the earth. Going outside can also benefit your physical fitness. Whether you’re raking leaves, gardening, playing with a child, or pet or simply taking a walk, you’re sure to burn extra calories. Spending an hour or more outside every day can translate into significant calorie use throughout the week.

There are plenty of ways that you can get outdoors more.

Just do it!

Setting a goal to spend at least 30 minutes outside each and every day, whether you are active or just quietly absorbing the energy that the natural elements can give to you. You will begin to feel the power that can be yours when you allow it to flow through nature to you. Featured photo credit: Wind turbines farm via Shutterstock